

Various releases and other archives are available on Chris’s bandcamp site

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Here you can view archive videos and download various tracks, including contributions to the Touch Samplers which are now out of print – note: please open in a separate tab by right-clicking or control clicking the link

An archive video:


Below you can download various tracks, including contributions to the Touch Samplers which are now out of print – note: please open in a separate tab by right-clicking or control clicking the link

The Dawn Chrorus from BBC Tyne

Jesmond Dene
from Sonic Streams [FACT 2007]

Wild Song at Dawn – Listen | Download

Recorded at Springfield Park, Liverpool, 16-19th May 2007
from Touch Sampler 00 [Touch # T_ZERO_0, 2000]

Friday the 13th – Listen | Download

The fall had ruptured his spleen. It took the Land Rover nearly seven hours to reach the George lV hotel, they were desperate, but to late… The feast took place and later the musicians played on the very roof where Nickifi had last spoken to the traitor Dris before he was murdered by the daughters of The Magrha. Friday 13th Sept. 1996. Ouarzazate, Morocco.
from Touch Sampler 00 [Touch # T_ZERO_0, 2000]

A Celebration – Listen | Download

“Leopards stalk the rocky highlands of Ethiopia, and a young boy nervously watches over his family’s small herd of goats and roots around the hillside with his olive root stick…
from Touch Sampler 00 [Touch # T_ZERO_0, 2000]

A Blessing – Listen | Download

…A small swarm of bees are disturbed and gather around the boy’s head – King Lalibela is discovered”
from Touch Sampler 3 [Touch # T_ZERO_3, 1998]

Out of Our Sight – Listen | Download

Motionless anticipation, along the dry sandy banks of the Zambesi a Mozambique nightjar is sucking in all the remaining light.
from Touch Sampler 2 [Touch # T_ZERO_2, 1997]

Guanacaste – Listen | Download

Dry tropical rain forest, Costa Rica, 0615h 9th April 1995. Kenya 0210h 1st March 1996.

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